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Justine Burt

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Best Practices for Thank You Pages

Posted by Justine Burt on Thu, Nov 17, 2011 @ 02:24 PM

Thank you pages provide an important follow up to your landing pages. Your offer on your site’s landing page was so appealing that your visitor filled in her name and email address. What’s next? Optimize your thank you page so you can move your visitor further down the sales funnel. Here are four best practices for optimizing your thank you page.

  1. Give clear instructions about how to receive the giveaway – Whether you are offering useful content, a webinar or free products, your visitor should be able to gain access to this content easily. Allow her to click a link to receive the e-book or start watching the webinar. Make sure they can get the offer immediately. An email with an attachment may take a while.
  2. Make another offer – Your visitor has filled out her contact information and is interested. On the thank you page, make an offer for something else she might find useful: another offer or a link to your blog.
  3. Restore navigation – On the landing page you took away navigation so the only option the visitor had was to fill out your form. Now, you should restore the navigation so the visitor can view other parts of your site.
  4. Offer social media – Place social media icons on your thank you page to give your visitors the options to follow you on Twitter, “like” you on Facebook or folllow you on Linked In.

Your visitors have arrived at your thank you page because they are interested. Optimize your thank you page so you can deepen your relationship with them.

For inbound marketing consultants that will drive traffic to your site, capture leads, and nurture them towards or call 510-543-7593 mbl.

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Tags: Social Media, thank you page, landing page

Successfully Collect Contact Information on Your Landing Page

Posted by Justine Burt on Tue, Nov 15, 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Some website landing pages that ask for your contact information make you feel comfortable giving your personal information and others do not. Why is this? Here are five tips you can use to create effective landing pages.

To move your website visitors down the sales funnel from detached visitor to engaged customer, you need to offer value and inspire trust. Your landing pages can help you do this. Here are the basics.

  1. Post a clear headline – Visitors should be able to understand what you are offering within a few seconds. The headline should include the title of what you are offering, whether it is an e-book, webinar, white paper or free demo.
  2. Offer them value – Your giveaway should provide information visitors will find valuable and position you as an authority in your area of expertise. In order to gain access to that e-book, webinar, white paper or free demo, your site visitors will need to give you their bare minimum contact information. A landing page that asks for a first name, last name and e-mail address will allow your sales staff to follow up on what they learned about your expertise and offer them more value.
  3. Minimize distractions on your landing page – Avoid buttons that allow the visitor to navigate away. Your landing page should explain the offer, ask for contact information and give the visitor a call-to-action button that takes them to the valuable item you offer. Two examples of call-to-action buttons are “Download Now!” or “Send me a free trial.”
  4. Use an image – A relevant and interesting image that reinforces the benefits you describe in the text will pull viewers in.
  5. Reduce anxiety elements – Placing a link to your privacy policy next to the box asking for their e-mail address is an element of a landing page that reduces friction and helps convert your site visitors to leads.
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Tags: Inbound Marketing, landing page, grabber headline, value

How Do I Capture More Leads on My Website by Bay Area Inbound

Posted by Justine Burt on Sun, Nov 13, 2011 @ 04:52 PM

How Do I Capture More Leads on My Website? This problem is easily solved  when you insert calls to action and landing pages on your website.

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Tags: How do I capture more leads on my website?, Bay Area Inbound