Bay Area Inbound Marketing Blog

Laurie Monahan

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The Biggest Blogging Myth I Keep Reading, Debunked

Posted by Laurie Monahan on Wed, Nov 02, 2016 @ 11:07 AM

It seems like I keep reading that every blog article should be perfection and should generate a lot of buzz or it's not worth writing. 

Let me just set the record straight. That is a load of horse manure. The author of that kind of blogging advice simply doesn't understand the reason for blogging or anything about SEO. They haven't seen blogging as a strategy be tremendously successful for increasing revenue; I have.

Blog articles aren't press releases that need to be perfected nor do you need to hire an agency to get them picked up to obtain reach, although it never hurts to have more people working on promoting one article.

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Tags: Demand Generation in SF, Blog for Sales, Demand Generation Consultants

Nine Truths About Marketing Consultants

Posted by Laurie Monahan on Sat, Mar 12, 2016 @ 01:21 PM

Being a Marketing Consultant is like living every day in the Tom Cruise movie: "Live, Die, Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow". First, you get very good at seeing the problems coming and executing tactically, then you become better at strategy and cut through all the unnecessary steps to reach your goal of increasing revenue quickly.

 Maybe it is just me, but I really think Marketing Consultants are a different breed. Having worked at the same company, Proxim, for five years and now at the opposite end of the spectrum, I often consult for three to six months at a time for tech companies, I notice a lot of differences in how I have to prioritize and communicate with clients. 

There are pluses and minuses for being a marketing consultant from the employee's point of view. As consultants we get paid more per hour, work less hours, and don't have to deal with office politics. We care about one thing and one thing only, increasing revenue for clients quickly. To do that, we have to sharpen our skills on our own dime and time. We get paid for results and we get asked back only when we produce them. Below I break it down for you in greater detail.

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Tags: marketing consultants, marketing consultants in the sf bay area

Starting to Feel Like James Bond

Posted by Laurie Monahan on Fri, Dec 25, 2015 @ 08:50 AM

007 has nothing on me or any other marketing consultant. Don't believe me? Let's compare "To Do" lists:

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Tags: Marketing Consultants in SF Bay Area, James Bond vs. Working Moms