If you don’t already have a Facebook business page, consider making one. Over 400 million people log in to Facebook at least once per day. The average Facebook user spends 37 minutes per day on the site. In the new age of social media, this is where people spend large chunks of their time. A Facebook business page offers you a cost-effective way to engage potential customers.
On Facebook, businesses are brands. Marketing guru Seth Godin defines a brand as “the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” What stories will you tell about your brand on FB?
In general, the main ways people interact with a brand are:
- Brand-sponsored contest or sweepstakes – 70%
- Produced content to enter a contest held by the brand – 24%
- Downloaded a brand app on their mobile device – 23.6%
On Facebook, the top reasons people follow brands are:
- Special offers/deals – 36.9%
- Current customer – 32.9%
- Interesting or entertaining content – 18.2%
- Friends are fans of the brand – 6.2%
- Service, support or product news – 5%
Creating fresh, original content your Facebook business page visitors will want to share, will enable you to grow the number of people who “Like” your page. More visitors to your page means more visitors to your website. Did you know that businesses with over 1,000 Facebook fans had 22 times more traffic than businesses with 1 to 25 fans? Businesses with over 1,000 Facebook fans had 12 times more leads than businesses with 1 to 25 fans.
Note that a business-to-customer interaction on Facebook is different from the socializing most people do on Facebook with their “friends.” Customers and potential customers do not want to be your friend. They are looking for promotions, events and product information.
Have fun with your brand on your Facebook business page. Once you forge a connection with your visitors, you will be able to convert them from site traffic to leads to customers.
For inbound marketing consultants that will drive traffic to your site, capture leads, and nurture them towards sales....email Laurie@bayareainbound.com or call 510-543-7593.
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