Before you devote staff resources to inbound marketing, you want to be sure this effort will yield a healthy return on investment. After all, blogging on a regular basis, creating landing pages, expanding your website pages and sharing your content on social media takes precious time.
The key to proving a return on investment involves metrics. You can measure the effects of inbound marketing by looking at the increase in traffic to your site, the number of visitors that convert into leads, and the number of leads that become new customers.
How do you drive more traffic to your site? Partly this involves doing things search engine spiders like to see: many website pages of unique content and links from other sites.
How do you convert more visitors into leads? Having landing pages that ask for the visitor's contact information in exchange for a valuable ebook or webinar will give you leads.
In Bay Area Inbound's ebook “Lead Generation Lessons from 4,000 Businesses" the statisitics show that companies that:
- blog at least 20x/month had 5x more traffic than those who blogged less than 4x/month
- blog just 16-20x/month had 3x more leads than those who did not blog
- have over 200 total blog articles had 4.6x times more traffic (and 3.5x more leads) than those with less than 20 blog posts
The number of website pages and landing pages are important as well. Business websites with:
- 401-1,000 webpages have 9x more traffic (and 6x more leads) than those with 51-100
- 31-40 landing pages had 7x more leads than those with only 1-5 landing pages
Building a following on Twitter and Facebook also creates more traffic and leads. Businesses with:
- 301-1,000 Twitter followers had over 5x more traffic (and 4x more leads) than those with 1-25 followers
- 501-1,000 Facebook fans had 3.5x more traffic (and 4x more leads) than those with 1-25 fans
Bay Area Inbound is a full-service Inbound Marketing Agency that specializes in generating the leads your company needs to significantly increase revenue. We are a proud reseller of Hubspot Inbound Marketing Software.
For a Free Inbound Marketing Evaluation, contact Laurie@bayareainbound.com or 1-510-543-7593 For more information download our free whitepaper below: