Went to Adobe's New Product Training in SF yesterday on "Acrobat Pro X" and "Creative Suite 5.5". Learned we can do web portal approval process and reviews using the "tracker tool" in Acrobat and let clients make comments in a shared review in 1 of 3 ways:
All participants need to be on either:
1) acrobat.com (it's free-sign everyone up),
2) sharepoint, or
3) shared network server.
You can respond on-screen to each comment, After all reviewers comment you can send them all Summary Reports, No more mailing PDFs of screen shots back and forth with email comments. See exactly what they are commenting about (better than TeamBox). Recipient has to approve changes and there is a deadline for comments field.
Tracker tool save developer and clients so much time because they are just pointing and clicking and saying what they think as they look at each web page. Makes the process so much less cumbersome and time-consuming as everyone can see exactly what they are talking about. Makes focus group and user interface testing a breeze.
Thank you Adobe, Loved your Tools for years! Adobe is still excelling at creating tools for how and where we are communicating today. Loved all the new video editing tools, the tools to convert flash to IPad platforms, There is a "preflight tool" in In Design that you can tell you want RGB for Ipads and it will tell you what things need to be fixed on your page.
There are videos that train you to use all the tools at http://tv.adobe.com and show you all the new products and features, so enjoy! If you don't see what you want, go to adobe.com and put in "feature request" on the search line.
Awesome Adobe!
Or you can buy Hubspot and make all the changes you want to your website yourself.
Bay Area Inbound is a full-service inbound marketing consulting agency in San Francisco, CA that specializes in lead generation. We are a value-added reseller of Hubspot software. For a free inbound marketing evaluation contact laurie@bayareainbound.com or 510-543-7593.
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