Bay Area Inbound Marketing Blog

Microsoft's New Surface RT, A Game Changer; Bay Area Inbound

Posted by Laurie Monahan on Sat, Dec 01, 2012 @ 02:10 PM

First saw the new Microsoft Surface RT, Microsoft's new tablet computer, six weeks ago at work, the week Microsoft launched the product. And I've been trying to get this article written for a while. I've read a lot of blog articles, talked to a lot of people, and played with it a few times. I've decided it's a game changer and here I tell you why. First I give you a scorecard comparing Surface RT to Apple's ipad4, then I finish with the game-changing analysis.

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Tags: Inbound Marketing in SF, Bay Area Inbound Marketing, Microsoft, SurfaceRT, ipad, Google

Fusion-io and Fail-Proof SSDs for Faster Data Access-Bay Area Inbound

Posted by Laurie Monahan on Sat, Jul 07, 2012 @ 04:21 PM

If you work in the tech industry, chances are you have heard of Solid-State Drives (SSDs) and know they use flash-based storage. Flash has been around forever on cell phones, but for the last several years it's been used for other high-speed storage applications on OEM design-in module cards for servers.

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Tags: Inbound Marketing in SF, Bay Area Inbound Marketing, SSD, HDD, Storage

Networking Hasn't Changed in 10 Years, but What You Do With it Has

Posted by Laurie Monahan on Thu, May 24, 2012 @ 01:01 PM

Recently took 10 years off from the full-time workforce to raise our twins and feel really lucky that we could afford for me to do it. But, getting back into the workforce at the same level I was working before has, of course, been a bit of a challenge, especially since I want to work from home.

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Tags: online marketing, Inbound Marketing in SF, Bay Area Inbound Marketing