Closed-Loop Marketing Analytics, the "Holy Grail" of Inbound Marketing, are easy to obtain by Integrating Your CRM with Hubspot and they are unique to Hubspot.
Bay Area Inbound Marketing Blog
Closed-Loop Marketing Analytics by Integrating your CRM with Hubspot
Posted by Laurie Monahan on Sun, Apr 01, 2012 @ 10:16 AM
Tags: closed-loop marketing analytics, Inbound Marketing in SF, lead generation in sf, Inbound Marketing Bay Area, marketing agency bay area
Battling Over the Future of Search: Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter
Posted by Laurie Monahan on Tue, Mar 06, 2012 @ 12:42 AM
Inbound links are quickly becoming a broken metric. At the same time, social media is quickly escalating as a ranking factor for search engines. While inbound links still matter and are a decent factor for judging the authority of a website or page, social media provides search engines with key data points that they have long been lacking.
Tags: Google Plus, twitter, SEO, Inbound Marketing in SF, Facebook, lead generation in sf, Inbound Marketing Bay Area