The facts are in, most of us go to google now to shop or do online research for that all-important-upcoming purchasing decision. With the price of gas around $4 a gallon and all kinds of preassures on our time, why wouldn't we take advantage of all the free info that's available online?
Bay Area Inbound Marketing Blog
Vectorwise Analytical Engine Burns Inbound Marketing Rubber
Posted by Laurie Monahan on Wed, May 23, 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Tags: Bay Area Inbound, Inbound Marketing Consultants in SF, lead generation in sf
CMOs Are Chief Customers of IT AND Big Data for Inbound Marketing
Posted by Laurie Monahan on Tue, May 22, 2012 @ 10:41 AM
I recently read an article in Forbes Right Now by Lisa Arthur, that quoted Gartner's statistics that CMOs will be outspending CIOs on IT in the next 5 years. I agree with her premise, but I would say, that not only do CMOs spend on IT but they will spend on Big Data as well.
Tags: Inbound Marketing in SF, Bay Area Inbound Marketing, lead generation in sf
Closed-Loop Marketing Analytics by Integrating your CRM with Hubspot
Posted by Laurie Monahan on Sun, Apr 01, 2012 @ 10:16 AM
Closed-Loop Marketing Analytics, the "Holy Grail" of Inbound Marketing, are easy to obtain by Integrating Your CRM with Hubspot and they are unique to Hubspot.
Tags: closed-loop marketing analytics, Inbound Marketing in SF, lead generation in sf, Inbound Marketing Bay Area, marketing agency bay area